Our Church at Work
The congregation, at its properly called meetings, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, is responsible for the overall well-being, faith, and order of the church. It establishes the larger objectives of the church and the annual budget, decides all major financial matters, elects the members of the Council, calls or dismisses the pastor, and makes any decision regarding the sale or purchase of property. Final authority in the church rests in the congregation.
The Council serves as the administrative body of the congregation. It is responsible for the overall governance of the church, sets policy, oversees the budget and personnel matters, and represents the congregation in all legal matters. The Council appoints the chairpersons of each Standing Ministry and any special committees.
The Cabinet is composed of the chairpersons of all Standing Ministries. They coordinate the ministry efforts of all of the committees to better ensure the overall mission of St. John's is being encouraged and supported. They also see that an appropriate level of communication is maintained between the Ministries and the Council.
Each Standing Ministry plans and coordinates the ministry tasks assigned to it. They oversee all work to ensure the work we do and the way we do it are both faithful to the vision of the church. The primary tasks of each ministry are: 1) to plan and supervise the ministry's work, 2) to responsibly manage the funds budgeted for the work of the ministry, 3) to recruit members of the congregation to serve on work/project teams to accomplish the work and ministry of the church, 4) to train and support the teams, and 5) to report to the Council on a monthly basis.
- Ministry of Caring and Mission - ministers to our members and friends who are facing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs; ministers to needs of people in our community, state, nation, and world; promotes special offerings, and projects.
- Ministry of Worship and Hospitality - lead all members to share the love and power of Jesus Christ with visitors and the unchurched people of our community, so that our church will grow in faith and number; assist the Pastor(s) to plan and implement worship services; coordinate the total music of our church.
- Ministry of Administration - provide oversight for the property and grounds, cemetery, and stewardship of financial resources including the annual budget, contributions, and investments.
- Ministry of Christian Formation - shall plan, coordinate, and provide opportunities for children, youth, and adults that will guide them to grow in faithful discipleship.
Work/Project Teams
The Work/Project Teams are the heart of our ministry structure. They are the members of the church serving Christ by doing the work and ministry of the church. Our goal is to move toward that time when every member of the church is serving on one or more Work/Project teams.
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Karla Cunningham, [email protected]
Contact our Council President, Mark Falkner, [email protected]